I am using Layout property to sort multiple columns at once. The problem is that all items get expanded. How do I prevent that

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Columns.Add("P1")
			.Def(0) = True
			.PartialCheck = True
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("P2")
			.Def(0) = True
			.PartialCheck = True
			.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child A"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child B"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child A"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child B"
			.AddItem "Root"
			.AddItem "Root"
		End With
		.SingleSort = False
		.Layout = "multiplesort=""C0:1 C1:2"";collapse="""""
	End With
End Function

How can I get ride / hide the image being dragged by OLE Drag and Drop
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_OLEStartDrag(Data,AllowedEffects)
	' Data.SetData("data to drag")
	With Tree1
		AllowedEffects = 1
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.OLEDropMode = 1
		.Background(34) = RGB(255,255,255)
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I export checked items only

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			.Add("C1").Def(0) = True
			.Add("C2").FormatColumn = "1 index `A-Z`"
			.Add("C3").FormatColumn = "100 index ``"
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.CellState(.AddItem("Item 2"),0) = 1
			.CellState(.AddItem("Item 3"),0) = 1
		End With
		alert( "Export CSV Checked Items Only:" )
		alert( .Export("","chk") )
	End With
End Function

How can I export a hidden column

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "C1"
			With .Add("C2")
				.FormatColumn = "1 index `A-Z`"
				.Visible = False
			End With
			With .Add("C3")
				.FormatColumn = "100 index ``"
				.Visible = False
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
		End With
		alert( "Export CSV Hidden Columns (1,2):" )
		alert( .Export("","|1,2") )
	End With
End Function

I'm trying to use automatic numbering of the outline. How can I have A, B, C for root items, 1, 2, 3 for the sub-items, and a, b, c for sub-sub-items (sample 3)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.AutoDrag = 3
		.HasLines = 1
		.Indent = 16
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			With .Add("")
				.Def(17) = 1
				.FormatColumn = "((1:=(0 :=(1 rpos '.|A-Z||a-z|')) rfind `.`) < 0 ? `<b>` + =:0 + `` :  (=:0 mid (1 + 1 + =:1) )  + `)` ) + ` ` + value"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			hChild = .InsertItem(h,,"Child")
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			.ExpandItem(0) = True
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			hChild = .InsertItem(h,,"Child")
			.CellState(hChild,0) = 1
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
		End With
	End With
End Function

I'm trying to use automatic numbering of the outline. How can I have A, B, C for root items, 1, 2, 3 for the sub-items, and a, b, c for sub-sub-items (sample 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.GridLineColor = RGB(190,190,190)
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.AutoDrag = 3
		.HasLines = 1
		.Indent = 16
		With .Columns
			.Add "Default"
			With .Add("")
				.Def(17) = 1
				.Def(49) = 4
				.AllowSizing = False
				.Width = 36
				.Position = 0
				.FormatColumn = "(1:=(0 :=(1 rpos '.|A-Z||a-z|')) rfind `.`) < 0 ? `<b>` + =:0 : (`............` left 2 * (=:0 count `.`)) + (=:0 mid (1 + 1 + =" & _
	":1) ) "
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			hChild = .InsertItem(h,,"Child")
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			.ExpandItem(0) = True
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			hChild = .InsertItem(h,,"Child")
			.CellState(hChild,0) = 1
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
		End With
	End With
End Function

I'm trying to use automatic numbering of the outline. How can I have A, B, C for root items, 1, 2, 3 for the sub-items, and a, b, c for sub-sub-items (sample 1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.AutoDrag = 3
		.HasLines = 1
		.Indent = 16
		With .Columns
			.Add "Default"
			With .Add("")
				.Def(17) = 1
				.Def(49) = 4
				.Alignment = 2
				.AllowSizing = False
				.Width = 24
				.Position = 0
				.FormatColumn = "(1:=(0 :=(1 rpos '.|A-Z||a-z|')) rfind `.`) < 0 ? `<b>` + =:0 : `<i>` + (=:0 mid (1 + 1 + =:1) ) "
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			hChild = .InsertItem(h,,"Child")
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			.ExpandItem(0) = True
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
			hChild = .InsertItem(h,,"Child")
			.CellState(hChild,0) = 1
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem hChild,,"Child"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to have a different alignment for parts of the cell's caption

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.TreeColumnIndex = -1
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		With .Columns.Add("Default")
			.Def(0) = True
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellHAlignment(.AddItem("all-left"),0) = 0
			.CellHAlignment(.AddItem("all-center"),0) = 1
			.CellHAlignment(.AddItem("all-right"),0) = 2
			h = .AddItem("left<c>center<r>right")
			.CellCaptionFormat(h,0) = 1
		End With
	End With
End Function

I have a column with Def(exCellSingleLine) property on False, word-wrapping, and I am wondering if possible to update the column's content while user is resizing it
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns
			With .Add("MultipleLine")
				.Width = 32
				.Def(16) = False
				.Def(64) = True
			End With
			With .Add("SingleLine")
				.Def(16) = False
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("This is a bit of long text that should break the line"),1) = "This is a bit of long text that should break the line"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I sort the index column as numeric

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_AddItem(Item)
	With Tree1
		With .Items
			.CellData(Item,1) = .ItemToIndex(Item)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		With .Columns.Add("Next")
			.Def(48) = 4
			.Def(52) = 4
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Index")
			.AllowSizing = False
			.Width = 48
			.FormatColumn = "(((0 := (1 index ``)) mod 3) case ( default: ``; 0 : `<r><fgcolor=B0B0B0>`; 1: ``; 2 : `<c><fgcolor=808080>` )) + str(=:0)"
			.Def(17) = 1
			.SortType = 5
			.Position = 0
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
			.AddItem "Item 4"
			.AddItem "Item 5"
			.AddItem "Item 6"
			.AddItem "Item 7"
			.AddItem "Item 8"
			.AddItem "Item 9"
			.AddItem "Item 10"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I put icons/images into buttons

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
	"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
	"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
		With .Columns.Add("C+B")
			.AllowSizing = False
			.Width = 48
			.FormatColumn = "` <img>` + ( 1 + (1 index ``) mod 3 ) + `</img> `"
			.Def(17) = 1
			.Def(0) = True
			.Def(2) = True
			.Def(3) = True
		End With
		.Columns.Add ""
		.DrawGridLines = 2
		.DefaultItemHeight = 20
		With .Items
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to have a CheckBox and Button TOGETHER on all cells in a column

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_CellButtonClick(Item,ColIndex)
	With Tree1
			alert( "CellButtonClick" )
		alert( Item )
	End With
End Function

Function Tree1_CellStateChanged(Item,ColIndex)
	With Tree1
			alert( "CellStateChanged" )
		alert( Item )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		With .Columns.Add("")
			.AllowSizing = False
			.Width = 32
			.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Def")
			.AllowSizing = False
			.Width = 48
			.FormatColumn = "`     `"
			.Def(0) = True
			.Def(2) = True
			.Def(3) = True
		End With
		.Columns.Add ""
		With .Items
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
			.AddItem ""
		End With
	End With
End Function

Does filtering work with umlauts / accents characters
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns.Add("Names")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterType = 3
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Mantel"
			.AddItem "Mechanik"
			.AddItem "Motor"
			.AddItem "Murks"
			.AddItem "Märchen"
			.AddItem "Möhren"
			.AddItem "Mühle"
			.AddItem "Sérigraphie"
		End With
		.Columns.Item(0).Filter = "*ä*"
	End With
End Function

The Items.FirstVisibleItem property is read-only. How can I change the first visible item

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExTree\Sample\Access\sample.mdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		With .Columns.Add("Pos")
			.Position = 0
			.FormatColumn = "0 index ``"
			.Width = 32
			.Def(4) = 15790320
		End With
		.ScrollPos(True) = 13
	End With
End Function

How FullPath method works

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.Columns.Add "C1"
		.Columns.Add "C2"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.CellCaption(h,1) = "A"
			.CellCaption(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 1"),1) = "B"
			.CellCaption(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 2"),1) = "C"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
		End With
		.SearchColumnIndex = 1
		alert( .SearchColumnIndex )
		alert( .FullPath(.Items.ItemByIndex(2)) )
		.SearchColumnIndex = 0
		alert( .SearchColumnIndex )
		alert( .FullPath(.Items.ItemByIndex(2)) )
	End With
End Function

How can I filter for multiple captions on a single column, using OR clause

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.ContinueColumnScroll = 0
		.MarkSearchColumn = True
		.SearchColumnIndex = 1
		.FilterBarPromptVisible = True ' True
		With .Columns
			.Add("Name").Width = 96
			With .Add("Title")
				.Width = 96
			End With
			.Add "City"
		End With
		With .Items
			h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Seattle"
			h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Vice President, Sales"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Tacoma"
			.SelectItem(h0) = True
			h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Kirkland"
			h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Redmond"
			h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Manager"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Inside Sales Coordinator"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Seattle"
			h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
		End With
		.FilterBarPromptColumns = "1"
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = "Vice Inside"
		.FilterBarPromptType = 2
	End With
End Function

How can I filter for multiple captions on a single column, using AND clause

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.ContinueColumnScroll = 0
		.MarkSearchColumn = True
		.SearchColumnIndex = 1
		.FilterBarPromptVisible = True ' True
		With .Columns
			.Add("Name").Width = 96
			With .Add("Title")
				.Width = 96
			End With
			.Add "City"
		End With
		With .Items
			h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Seattle"
			h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Vice President, Sales"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Tacoma"
			.SelectItem(h0) = True
			h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Kirkland"
			h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Redmond"
			h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Manager"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Inside Sales Coordinator"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Seattle"
			h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
		End With
		.FilterBarPromptColumns = "1"
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = "Vice Sales"
		.FilterBarPromptType = 1
	End With
End Function

Can I set the search box / filterbarprompt to invisible, so I can use my own input and *string* via VBA
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = True
		.ContinueColumnScroll = 0
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.SearchColumnIndex = 1
		.FilterBarHeight = 0
		.FilterBarPromptVisible = True ' True
		With .Columns
			.Add("Name").Width = 96
			.Add("Title").Width = 96
			.Add "City"
		End With
		With .Items
			h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Seattle"
			h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Vice President, Sales"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Tacoma"
			.SelectItem(h0) = True
			h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Kirkland"
			h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Redmond"
			h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Manager"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
			h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Inside Sales Coordinator"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "Seattle"
			h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
			.CellCaption(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
			.CellCaption(h0,2) = "London"
		End With
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = "London"
	End With
End Function

How to load a hierarchy using the control's DataSource property (Parent-ID-Relation)

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_AddItem(Item)
	With Tree1
		With .Items
			.SetParent Item,.FindItem(.CellCaption(Item,"ReportsTo"),"EmployeeID")
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "SELECT * FROM Employees ORDER BY ReportsTo","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExTree\Sample\Access\sample.mdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.Items.ExpandItem(0) = True
	End With
End Function

Is there any option to control where I can drop the items when using the AutoDrag property
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_AllowAutoDrag(Item,NewParent,InsertA,InsertB,Cancel)
	With Tree1
		With .Items
			alert( "NewParent" )
			alert( .CellCaption(NewParent,0) )
			alert( "After" )
			alert( .CellCaption(InsertA,0) )
			alert( "Before" )
			alert( .CellCaption(InsertB,0) )
		End With
		Cancel = True
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.AutoDrag = 3
		.LinesAtRoot = 0
		.HasLines = 2
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Group 1")
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			.ItemBold(h) = True
			h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 1")
			h2 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 2")
			h3 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 3")
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("Group 2")
			.ItemBold(h) = True
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
		End With
	End With
End Function

The FindPath is not case sensitive. How can I make it work case sensitive

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		.ASCIIUpper = ""
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("L:")
			.InsertItem h,,"test"
			.InsertItem h,,"Test"
			.InsertItem h,,"TEST"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			.ItemBold(.FindPath("L:\TEST")) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I enable / display a tooltip while user selects new items from the drop down filter panel

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Columns.Add("Items")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.FilterList = 13568 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exEnableToolTip Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
			.AddItem "Item 4"
		End With
		With .Columns.Item(0)
			.FilterType = 752 ' FilterTypeEnum.exFilterExclude Or FilterTypeEnum.exFilter
			.Filter = "Item 1|Item 4"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I align captions of items with checkbox, with items with no checkbox

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		With .Items
			.CellImages(.AddItem(0),0) = "1"
			.CellHasCheckBox(.AddItem(1),0) = True
			.CellImages(.AddItem(2),0) = "1"
		End With
	End With
End Function

The control does not ensure the item to fit the control's client area once the user clicks the cell's button or check box. What can be done
<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y)
	' Items.EnsureVisibleItem(ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit))
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.TreeColumnIndex = -1
		.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
		With .Columns.Add("Buttons")
			.Alignment = 1
			.Def(2) = True
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Button A"
			.AddItem "Button B"
			.AddItem "Button C"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Does the title of the cell's tooltip supports HTML format

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns.Add("")
			.Caption = ""
			.HTMLCaption = "Column"
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellToolTip(.AddItem("tooltip w/h different title"),0) = "<c><b><fgcolor=FF0000>Title</fgcolor></b><br>This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows the tit" & _
	"le centered with a different color."
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I specify a different title for the cell's tooltip

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns.Add("")
			.Caption = "This is the title"
			.HTMLCaption = "Column"
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellToolTip(.AddItem("tooltip w/h different title"),0) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell."
		End With
	End With
End Function

The cell's tooltip displays the column's caption in its title. How can I get ride of that

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns
			.Add "C1"
			.Add "C2"
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("tooltip w/h caption")
			.CellToolTip(h,0) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows the column's caption in the title."
			.CellCaption(h,1) = "tooltip no caption"
			.CellToolTip(h,1) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows no column's caption in the title."
		End With
		With .Columns.Item("C2")
			.HTMLCaption = .Caption
			.Caption = ""
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I programmatically show the column's filter

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_RClick()
	With Tree1
		i = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		.Columns.Item(c).ShowFilter "-1,-1,128,128"
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		With .Columns.Add("Items ")
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.FilterList = 9472 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
		End With
	End With
End Function

I want to be able to click on one of the headers, and sort by other column. How can I do that (method 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_ColumnClick(Column)
	' Column.SortOrder = 1
	With Tree1
		.SortOnClick = -1
		.Columns.Item("Sort").SortOrder = 1
		.SortOnClick = 1
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.SortOnClick = 1
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		.Columns.Add("Sort").Visible = False
		With .Items
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item 1 (3)"),1) = 3
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item 2 (1)"),1) = 1
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item 3 (2)"),1) = 2
		End With
	End With
End Function

I want to be able to click on one of the headers, and sort by other column. How can I do that (method 1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_ColumnClick(Column)
	' Column.SortOrder = 1
	With Tree1
		.Items.SortChildren 0,"Sort",True
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.SortOnClick = 1
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		.Columns.Add("Sort").Visible = False
		With .Items
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item 1 (3)"),1) = 3
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item 2 (1)"),1) = 1
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item 3 (2)"),1) = 2
		End With
	End With
End Function

I have a 3 level hierarchy in the treeview, and I want to create a filter that only shows the items in the 2nd level of the hierarchy, is this possible

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		.Columns.Add("Level").Visible = False
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Parent")
			.CellCaption(h,1) = 0
			hChild = .InsertItem(h,,"Child 1.1")
			.CellCaption(hChild,1) = 1
			hSubChild = .InsertItem(hChild,,"SubChild A")
			.CellCaption(hSubChild,1) = 2
			hChild = .InsertItem(h,,"Child 1.2")
			.CellCaption(hChild,1) = 1
			hSubChild = .InsertItem(hChild,,"SubChild B")
			.CellCaption(hSubChild,1) = 2
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
		End With
		.FilterInclude = 4
		With .Columns.Item("Level")
			.FilterType = 240
			.Filter = 2
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I sort by two-columns, one by date and one by time

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.SingleSort = False
		With .Columns
			.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
			.Add("Date").SortType = 2
			With .Add("Time")
				.SortType = 4
				.FormatColumn = "time(value)"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellCaption(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
			.CellCaption(h,2) = #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellCaption(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
			.CellCaption(h,2) = #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellCaption(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
			.CellCaption(h,2) = #1/1/2001 6:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellCaption(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
			.CellCaption(h,2) = #1/1/2001 8:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellCaption(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
			.CellCaption(h,2) = #1/1/2001 8:00:00 AM#
			h = .AddItem(0)
			.CellCaption(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
			.CellCaption(h,2) = #1/1/2001 6:00:00 AM#
		End With
		.Layout = "multiplesort=""C1:1 C2:1"""
	End With
End Function

We are using custom buttons for the +/- on the treeview control, is there a way to control the size of the image

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .VisualAppearance
	"PJeD54QymGp/R5eMhyLI8UxXFqRY6veKtJhGDIrT5CEIQVA9EyXJqnahqOiaCguPorQy/dYYdg2BYBPS6MAvG4bVrOd59XrgN42fY2ByzAqlMQwS7rOqiY6YWTnehWTo" & _
	"HE+JZUmoLB5CufQuAkBYkGO+ZrDWAo7keZZyHmH5+i8X4bluaJyHgGB9mQHx3JjBpViqJRHmueZ7H8Xo3i2fYAl+d5tncMRfDcdZeDMDIjCCJwokoEoQiEJ4KCIfIdgU" & _
	"PJeD54QymGp/R5eMhyLI8UxXFqRY6veKtJhGDIrT5CEIQVA9EyXJqnahqOiaCguPorQy/dYYdg2BYBPS6MAvG4bVrOd59XrgN42fY2ByzAqlMQwS7rOqiY6YWTnehWTo" & _
	"HE+JZUmoLB5CufQuAkBYkGO+ZrDWAo7keZZyHmPQ+g8X4fluYBhneEB9l0Iwpg6RRWiqFQfg+V5nnefh/GAB5yAIfRMFeRZdHeDJDCiSApkoMoEiQKBJmKCIfCcYQiHI" & _
			.Add 1,"CP:3 -4 -4 4 4"
			.Add 2,"CP:4 -4 -4 4 4"
		End With
		.DefaultItemHeight = 22
		.LinesAtRoot = 1
		.HasButtons = 4
		.HasButtonsCustom(0) = 16777216
		.HasButtonsCustom(1) = 33554432
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root 1")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("Root 2")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I connect to a DBF file
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Select * From foxcode.DBF","Provider=vfpoledb;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
	End With
End Function

Do you have any Fit-To-Page options when printing the control

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExTree\Sample\Access\sample.mdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
			.Options = "FitToPage = On"
			.PrintExt = Tree1.Object
		End With
	End With
End Function

Does your control supports scrolling by touching the screen

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExTree\Sample\Access\sample.mdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.AutoDrag = 4112 ' AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragScrollOnShortTouch Or AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragScroll
		.ScrollBySingleLine = True
		.ContinueColumnScroll = True
	End With
End Function

How do I prevent showing the control's BackColorAlternate property on empty / non-items part of the control

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.BackColorAlternate = &H7ff0f0f0
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
			.AddItem "Item 4"
			.AddItem "Item 5"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is there a syntax for conditional formatting of items, based on CellState/CellStateChange

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_CellStateChanged(Item,ColIndex)
	With Tree1
		With .Items
			.CellCaption(Item,2) = .CellState(Item,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.SelBackMode = 1
		Set var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("%2 != 0")
		With var_ConditionalFormat
			.Bold = True
			.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ApplyTo = -1
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("")
			.Def(0) = True
			.Width = 16
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Information"
		.Columns.Add("Hidden").Visible = False
		With .Items
			.CellCaption(.AddItem(""),1) = "This is a bit of text associated"
			h = .AddItem("")
			.CellCaption(h,1) = "This is a bit of text associated"
			.CellState(h,0) = 1
			.CellCaption(.AddItem(""),1) = "This is a bit of text associated"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I start editing the cell as soon as the user clicks a cell

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_AfterCellEdit(Item,ColIndex,NewCaption)
	With Tree1
		.Items.CellCaption(Item,ColIndex) = NewCaption
	End With
End Function

Function Tree1_CancelCellEdit(Item,ColIndex,Reserved)
	With Tree1
		.Items.CellCaption(Item,ColIndex) = Reserved
	End With
End Function

Function Tree1_Click()
	With Tree1
		With .Items
			.Edit .FocusItem,0
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.AllowEdit = True
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		.Items.AddItem "Item 1"
		.Items.AddItem "Item 2"
		.Items.AddItem ""
	End With
End Function

How do I programmatically exclude items from the filter

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Columns.Add("Items")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.FilterList = 9472 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
			.AddItem "Item 4"
		End With
		With .Columns.Item(0)
			.FilterType = 752 ' FilterTypeEnum.exFilterExclude Or FilterTypeEnum.exFilter
			.Filter = "Item 1|Item 4"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I sort the columns to be displayed on the columns floating bar

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add("City").Visible = False
			.Add("Start").Visible = False
			.Add("End").Visible = False
		End With
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
		.ColumnsFloatBarSortOrder = 1
	End With
End Function

How can I add a vertical padding

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		With .Columns.Add("Padding")
			.Def(0) = True
			.Def(16) = False
			.Def(48) = 6
			.Def(49) = 6
			.Def(50) = 6
			.Def(51) = 6
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "padding"
			.AddItem "padding"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is the PutItems method running .AddItem event

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_AddItem(Item)
	With Tree1
		alert( "Adding ..." )
		alert( .Items.CellCaption(Item,0) )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.Columns.Add "Def"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		End With
		alert( "Call PutItems" )
		.PutItems .GetItems(-1)
	End With
End Function

How do you embed HTML options into the anchor click string

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_AnchorClick(AnchorID,Options)
	With Tree1
		alert( AnchorID )
		alert( Options )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns
			.Add("Car").Def(17) = 1
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "<a mazda_1;options for 1>Mazda <b>1</b></a>"
			.AddItem "<a mazda_2;options for 2>Mazda <b>2</b></a>"
			.AddItem "<a mazda_3;options for 3a>Mazda <b>3.a</b></a>"
			.AddItem "<a mazda_3;options for 3b>Mazda <b>3.b</b></a>"
		End With
	End With
End Function

I have the rows with different background color, and when I select the item it takes the color of the SelBackColor, and therefore is no longer visible behind the color. Is there any option to make the item's color being visible (method 3)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.SelBackColor = &H1fffffe
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		With .Items
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("red")) = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("blue")) = RGB(0,0,255)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("green")) = RGB(0,255,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

I have the rows with different background color, and when I select the item it takes the color of the SelBackColor, and therefore is no longer visible behind the color. Is there any option to make the item's color being visible (method 2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.SelBackMode = 1
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		With .Items
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("red")) = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("blue")) = RGB(0,0,255)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("green")) = RGB(0,255,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

I have the rows with different background color, and when I select the item it takes the color of the SelBackColor, and therefore is no longer visible behind the color. Is there any option to make the item's color being visible (method 1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.SelBackColor = .BackColor
		.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
		.ShowFocusRect = True
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		With .Items
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("red")) = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("blue")) = RGB(0,0,255)
			.ItemBackColor(.AddItem("green")) = RGB(0,255,0)
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I arrange my columns on multiple levels

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		With .Columns
			With .Add("C0")
				.ExpandColumns = "1,2"
				.DisplayExpandButton = False
			End With
			.Add "C1"
			.Add "C2"
			.Add "C3"
			With .Add("C4")
				.ExpandColumns = "5,6"
				.DisplayExpandButton = False
			End With
			.Add "C5"
			With .Add("C6")
				.ExpandColumns = "6,7"
				.DisplayExpandButton = False
			End With
			.Add "C7"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Does your control support expandable header or columns, so I can arrange it on multiple levels

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.BackColorLevelHeader = RGB(240,240,240)
		With .Columns
			With .Add("Photo")
				.AllowSizing = False
				.Width = 32
			End With
			.Add "Personal Info"
			.Add "Title"
			.Add "Name"
			.Add "First"
			.Add "Last"
			.Add "Address"
			.Item("Personal Info").ExpandColumns = "2,3"
			With .Item("Name")
				.ExpandColumns = "4,5"
				.Expanded = False
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Function

Does your control support subscript or superscript, in HTML captions

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.HeaderHeight = 28
		.DefaultItemHeight = 24
		With .Columns
			With .Add("Column 1")
				.HTMLCaption = "Column <b><off 2><font ;6>1"
				.Def(17) = 1
			End With
			With .Add("Column 2")
				.HTMLCaption = "Column <b><off 2><font ;6>2"
				.Def(17) = 1
			End With
			With .Add("Column 3")
				.HTMLCaption = "Column <b><off 2><font ;6>3"
				.Def(17) = 1
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Item <font ;6><off 4>1")
			.CellCaption(h,1) = "Item <font ;6><off -6>2"
			.CellCaption(h,2) = "Item <b><font ;6><off -6>2<off 4>3<off 4>1"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is there any property I can save and restore automatically the current setting, column position, size, and so on (2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
		End With
		.Layout = "Select=""0"";SingleSort=""C0:2"";Columns=1"
	End With
End Function

Is there any property I can save and restore automatically the current setting, column position, size, and so on (1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add "Column"
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.AddItem "Item 2"
			.AddItem "Item 3"
		End With
		.Layout = "gBjAAwAAuABmABpABsAB0ABlAByhoAPIAOEPAA9gYABoABQAgUEg0XN4AOcJicKkpujMbjsfkMFk0YhkQgUOjUEl8gjcGO0ok8KMULjEaGMcj08kQAO8oMkTNEtGwAG" & _
	"QAqc7gUlhh1ABtAEsk9GpEfhElgVcsMupNlnlonlaAFcr0shUsp8QPEtnVJqJhmcIhUMh0QiU5sYAqMngUSuEMw07k8Qv0SgVRrNEuVflF2jF5x9JyNEm0TjQijemyE0" & _
	End With
End Function

I have noticed that the column's header is changed once the cursor hovers it. Is it possible to change that visual appearance

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add "Column 2"
		End With
		.BackColorHeader = &H1000000
		.Background(32) = &H12d86ff
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to change the visual appearance of the columns selector/floating bar(3)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add("Column 2").Visible = False
		End With
		.VisualAppearance.Add 2,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
		.VisualAppearance.Add 3,"c:\exontrol\images\pushed.ebn"
		.Background(92) = &H2000000
		.Background(87) = &H3000000
		.Background(93) = RGB(246,245,240)
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to change the visual appearance of the columns selector/floating bar(2)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add("Column 2").Visible = False
		End With
		.VisualAppearance.Add 3,"c:\exontrol\images\pushed.ebn"
		.Background(87) = &H3000000
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to change the visual appearance of the columns selector/floating bar(1)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.VisualAppearance.Add 2,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
		.Background(92) = &H2000000
		.Background(87) = RGB(246,245,240)
		.Background(93) = RGB(246,245,240)
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
	End With
End Function

I am using the ColumnsFloatBarVisible property on True, but still not able to add any column on that list

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add("Column 2").Visible = False
		End With
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to list a column to columns selector/floating bar, but still user can use it

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add("Column 2").Visible = False
			With .Add("Column 3")
				.Visible = False
				.Enabled = False
			End With
		End With
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
	End With
End Function

How can I prevent a specific column not to be listed in the columns selector/floating bar

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add("Column 2").Visible = False
			With .Add("Column 3")
				.Visible = False
				.AllowDragging = False
			End With
		End With
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to change the "Columns" caption being shown in the columns selector/floating bar

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add("Column 2").Visible = False
		End With
		.Description(26) = "Hidden Columns"
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
	End With
End Function

How can I show the columns selector, so the user can drag and drop columns to the view

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add("Column 2").Visible = False
		End With
		.ColumnsFloatBarVisible = True
	End With
End Function

The column's header is changed while the cursor hovers it. Is it possible to prevent that

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns
			.Add "Column 1"
			.Add "Column 2"
		End With
		.Background(32) = -1
	End With
End Function

Is there any public method to export the selected data

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "C1"
			.Add("C2").FormatColumn = "1 index `A-Z`"
			.Add("C3").FormatColumn = "100 index ``"
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Item 1"
			.SelectItem(.AddItem("Item 2")) = True
			.AddItem "Item 3"
		End With
		alert( "Export CSV Selected Items Only:" )
		alert( .Export("","sel") )
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to auto-numbering the children items but still keeps the position after filtering

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Columns.Add("Items")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterType = 240
			.Filter = "Child 2"
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.1")
			.FormatColumn = "1 ropos ''"
			.Position = 0
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.2")
			.FormatColumn = "1 ropos ':'"
			.Position = 1
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.3")
			.FormatColumn = "1 ropos ':|A-Z'"
			.Position = 2
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.4")
			.FormatColumn = "1 ropos '|A-Z|'"
			.Position = 3
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.5")
			.FormatColumn = "'<font Tahoma;7>' + 1 ropos '-<b>||A-Z'"
			.Def(17) = 1
			.Position = 4
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.6")
			.FormatColumn = "'<b>'+ 1 ropos '</b>:<fgcolor=FF0000>|A-Z|'"
			.Def(17) = 1
			.Position = 5
			.Width = 48
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root 1")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("Root 2")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to auto-numbering the children items too

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.1")
			.FormatColumn = "1 rpos ''"
			.Position = 0
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.2")
			.FormatColumn = "1 rpos ':'"
			.Position = 1
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.3")
			.FormatColumn = "1 rpos ':|A-Z'"
			.Position = 2
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.4")
			.FormatColumn = "1 rpos '|A-Z|'"
			.Position = 3
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.5")
			.FormatColumn = "'<font Tahoma;7>' + 1 rpos '-<b>||A-Z'"
			.Def(17) = 1
			.Position = 4
			.Width = 32
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Pos.6")
			.FormatColumn = "'<b>'+ 1 rpos '</b>:<fgcolor=FF0000>|A-Z|'"
			.Def(17) = 1
			.Position = 5
			.Width = 48
			.AllowSizing = False
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root 1")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("Root 2")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I find if there is any filter applied to the control

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_FilterChange()
	With Tree1
		alert( "If negative, the filter is present, else not" )
		alert( .Items.VisibleItemCount )
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.TreeColumnIndex = -1
		.FilterInclude = 4
		With .Columns.Add("Column")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterType = 240
			.Filter = "C1"
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("R1")
			.InsertItem h,,"C1"
			.InsertItem h,,"C2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("R2")
			.InsertItem h,,"C1"
			.InsertItem h,,"C2"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I prevent showing the lines for the hierarchy while using the exMatchingItemsOnly option

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.TreeColumnIndex = -1
		.FilterInclude = 4
		With .Columns.Add("Column")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterType = 240
			.Filter = "C1|C2"
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("R1")
			.InsertItem h,,"C1"
			.InsertItem h,,"C2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("R2")
			.InsertItem h,,"C1"
			.InsertItem h,,"C2"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is there any method to get only the matched items and not the items with his parent

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.FilterInclude = 4
		With .Columns.Add("Column")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.FilterType = 240
			.Filter = "C1|C2"
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("R1")
			.InsertItem h,,"C1"
			.InsertItem h,,"C2"
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("R2")
			.InsertItem h,,"C1"
			.InsertItem h,,"C2"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I add or change the padding (spaces) for captions in the control's header

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add("Padding-Left").Def(52) = 18
		With .Columns.Add("Padding-Right")
			.Def(53) = 18
			.HeaderAlignment = 2
		End With
	End With
End Function

Do you have any plans to add cell spacing and cell padding to the cells

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		With .Columns.Add("Padding-Left")
			.Def(0) = True
			.Def(48) = 18
		End With
		.Columns.Add("No-Padding").Def(0) = True
		.Columns.Add("Empty").Position = 0
		With .Items
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item A.1"),1) = "Item A.2"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item B.1"),1) = "Item B.2"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Item C.1"),1) = "Item C.2"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible display numbers in the same format no matter of regional settings in the control panel

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add("Def").Def(17) = 1
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(default positive)'"
			h = .AddItem(100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '2|.|3|,|1|1')"
			h = .AddItem(-100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(default negative)'"
			h = .AddItem(-100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '2|.|3|,|1|1')"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to add a 0 for numbers less than 1 instead .7 to show 0.8

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add("Def").Def(17) = 1
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(0.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(default)'"
			h = .AddItem(0.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '|||||0') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(Display no leading zeros)'"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I specify the format for negative numbers

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add("Def").Def(17) = 1
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(-100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(default)'"
			h = .AddItem(-100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '||||1') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(Negative sign, number; for example, -1.1)'"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to change the grouping character when display numbers

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add("Def").Def(17) = 1
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(default)'"
			h = .AddItem(100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '|||-') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(grouping character is -)'"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I display numbers with 2 digits in each group

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add("Def").Def(17) = 1
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(default)'"
			h = .AddItem(100000.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '||2') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(grouping by 2 digits)'"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I display my numbers using a different decimal separator

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add("Def").Def(17) = 1
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(100.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(default)'"
			h = .AddItem(100.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '|;') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(decimal separator is <b>;</b>)'"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to display the numbers using 3 (three) digits

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Columns.Add("Def").Def(17) = 1
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem(100.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(default)'"
			h = .AddItem(100.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format '3') +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(3 digits)'"
			h = .AddItem(100.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format 2) +  '  <fgcolor=808080>(2 digits)'"
			h = .AddItem(100.27)
			.FormatCell(h,0) = "(value format 1) +  ' <fgcolor=808080>(1 digit)'"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to format numbers

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			.Add "Name"
			With .Add("A")
				.SortType = 1
				.AllowSizing = False
				.Width = 36
				.FormatColumn = "len(value) ? value + ' +'"
			End With
			With .Add("B")
				.SortType = 1
				.AllowSizing = False
				.Width = 36
				.FormatColumn = "len(value) ? value + ' +'"
			End With
			With .Add("C")
				.SortType = 1
				.AllowSizing = False
				.Width = 36
				.FormatColumn = "len(value) ? value + ' ='"
			End With
			With .Add("A+B+C")
				.SortType = 1
				.Width = 64
				.ComputedField = "dbl(%1)+dbl(%2)+dbl(%3)"
				.FormatColumn = "type(value) in (0,1) ? 'null' : ( dbl(value)<0 ? '<fgcolor=FF0000>'+ (value format '2|.|3|,|1' ) : (dbl(value)>0 ? '<fgcolor=00" & _
	"00FF>+'+(value format '2|.|3|,' ): '0.00') )"
				.Def(17) = 1
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root")
			.CellCaptionFormat(h,4) = 2
			h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Child 1")
			.CellCaption(h1,1) = 7
			.CellCaption(h1,2) = 3
			.CellCaption(h1,3) = 1
			h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Child 2")
			.CellCaption(h1,1) = -2
			.CellCaption(h1,2) = -2
			.CellCaption(h1,3) = -4
			h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Child 3")
			.CellCaption(h1,1) = 2
			.CellCaption(h1,2) = 2
			.CellCaption(h1,3) = -4
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

I am using the FormatColumn/FormatCell to format my columns. Is it possible to ignore the SelForeColor, so the foreground color for selected items does not override my settings

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_SelectionChanged()
	With Tree1
		With .Items
			.ClearItemBackColor 0
			.ItemBackColor(.SelectedItem(0)) = RGB(128,255,255)
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
		.SelBackColor = .BackColor
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		With .Columns
			With .Add("Format")
				.FormatColumn = "type(value) in (0,1) ? 'null' : ( dbl(value)<0 ? '<fgcolor=FF0000>'+ (value format '2|.|3|,|1' ) : (dbl(value)>0 ? '<fgcolor=00" & _
	"00FF>+'+(value format '2|.|3|,' ): '0.00') )"
				.Def(17) = 1
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem 10
			.AddItem -8
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to change the height for all items at once

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		.Columns.Add "Items"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root 1")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			h = .AddItem("Root 2")
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
			.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
			.ExpandItem(0) = True
		End With
		.DefaultItemHeight = 12
		.Items.ItemHeight(0) = 12
	End With
End Function

How can I add a footer row

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ShowLockedItems = True
		.DrawGridLines = 2
		.Columns.Add "C1"
		.Columns.Add "C2"
		With .Items
			.LockedItemCount(2) = 1
			h = .LockedItem(2,0)
			.ItemBackColor(h) = RGB(128,128,128)
			.ItemForeColor(h) = RGB(255,255,255)
			.CellCaption(h,0) = "footer c1"
			.CellCaption(h,1) = "footer c2"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("cell"),1) = "cell"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I add a header row

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ShowLockedItems = True
		.DrawGridLines = 2
		.Columns.Add "C1"
		.Columns.Add "C2"
		With .Items
			.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
			h = .LockedItem(0,0)
			.ItemBackColor(h) = RGB(128,128,128)
			.ItemForeColor(h) = RGB(255,255,255)
			.CellCaption(h,0) = "footer c1"
			.CellCaption(h,1) = "footer c2"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("cell"),1) = "cell"
		End With
	End With
End Function

When I'm trying to show string with "line break" character (vbCrLF) in a textbox, it shows 2 squares. Is there any way to hide these squares

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns
			.Add "Value"
			With .Add("CellSingleLine = False")
				.ComputedField = "%0"
				.Def(16) = False
			End With
			With .Add("FormatColumn/replace CRLF")
				.ComputedField = "%0"
				.FormatColumn = "value replace `\r\n` with ``"
			End With
			With .Add("FormatColumn/replace TAB,CRLF")
				.ComputedField = "%0"
				.FormatColumn = "(value replace `\t` with ``) replace `\r\n` with ``"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem "a\ta\r\nb\tb"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is there any way to "unselect" radio group

<BODY onload="Init()">
Function Tree1_DblClick(Shift,X,Y)
	With Tree1
		With .Items
			h = .CellChecked(1234)
			.CellHasCheckBox(0,h) = True
			.CellState(0,h) = 0
			.CellHasCheckBox(0,h) = False
		End With
	End With
End Function

Function Tree1_SelectionChanged()
	With Tree1
		With .Items
			.CellState(.FocusItem,0) = 1
		End With
	End With
End Function

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.SelBackColor = RGB(255,255,128)
		.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)
		.Columns.Add "Default"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Radio 1")
			.CellHasRadioButton(h,0) = True
			.CellRadioGroup(h,0) = 1234
			h = .AddItem("Radio 2")
			.CellHasRadioButton(h,0) = True
			.CellRadioGroup(h,0) = 1234
			.CellState(h,0) = 1
			h = .AddItem("Radio 3")
			.CellHasRadioButton(h,0) = True
			.CellRadioGroup(h,0) = 1234
		End With
	End With
End Function

The Column.Alignment property does not seem to work for cells with images in them. What can be done

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
	"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
	"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
		.TreeColumnIndex = -1
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.HeaderHeight = 24
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		.DefaultItemHeight = 24
		With .Columns.Add("Image")
			.AllowSizing = False
			.Width = 32
			.HTMLCaption = "<img>1</img>"
			.HeaderAlignment = 1
			.Alignment = 1
			.Def(17) = 1
		End With
		.Columns.Add "Rest"
		With .Items
			.AddItem "<img>1</img>"
			.AddItem "<img>2</img>"
			.AddItem "<img>3</img>"
		End With
	End With
End Function

Can I change the format of date to be shown in the control

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns
			.Add "Default"
			With .Add("Format.1")
				.ComputedField = "%0"
				.FormatColumn = "dateF(value) replace `/` with `-`"
			End With
			With .Add("Format.2")
				.ComputedField = "%0"
				.Def(17) = 1
				.FormatColumn = "`<b>`+ shortdate(value) + `</b> ` + timeF(value)"
			End With
			With .Add("Format.3")
				.ComputedField = "%0"
				.Def(17) = 1
				.FormatColumn = "( dateF(value) replace `/` with `-` ) + ` <b>`+ ( weekday(value) case ( 0 : `Su`; 1 : `Mo`; 2 : `Tu`; 3 : `We`; 4 : `Th`; 5 : `" & _
	"Fr`; 6 : `Sa`) )"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
			.AddItem #1/2/2001 10:00:00 AM#
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to scroll the control's content by clicking and dragging

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExTree\Sample\Access\sample.mdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.AutoDrag = 16
	End With
End Function

How can copy and paste the selection to Microsoft Word, any OLE compliant application, as a snapshot
<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
		.HTMLPicture("p1") = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png"
		.HTMLPicture("p2") = "c:\exontrol\images\sun.png"
		.AutoDrag = 11
		.LinesAtRoot = 0
		.HasLines = 2
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.DefaultItemHeight = 26
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("<img>p1:32</img>Group 1")
			.CellCaptionFormat(h,0) = 1
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			.ItemBold(h) = True
			h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 1")
			h2 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 2")
			h3 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 3")
			h = .AddItem("<img>p2:32</img>Group 2")
			.CellCaptionFormat(h,0) = 1
			.ItemBold(h) = True
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task")
			.ExpandItem(0) = True
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can copy and paste the selection to Microsoft Word, any OLE compliant application, as a image

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.HTMLPicture("p1") = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png"
		.HTMLPicture("p2") = "c:\exontrol\images\sun.png"
		var_HTMLPicture = .HTMLPicture("aka1")
		.HeaderHeight = 24
		.DefaultItemHeight = 48
		.DrawGridLines = -2
		.GridLineColor = RGB(240,240,240)
		.SelBackMode = 1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExTree\Sample\Access\sample.mdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.Columns.Item(0).Def(17) = 1
		.Columns.Item(0).FormatColumn = "value + ` <img>p` + (1 + (value mod 3 ) ) + `</img>`"
		.Columns.Item(0).Width = 112
		.Columns.Item(1).Def(0) = 1
		.Columns.Item(2).LevelKey = "1"
		.Columns.Item(3).LevelKey = "1"
		.Columns.Item(4).LevelKey = "1"
		.AutoDrag = 10
		.SingleSel = False
		With .Items
			h = .ItemByIndex(1)
			.SelectItem(h) = True
			h = .ItemByIndex(2)
			.SelectItem(h) = True
			h = .ItemByIndex(3)
			.SelectItem(h) = True
			.LockedItemCount(2) = 1
			h = .LockedItem(2,0)
			.CellCaption(h,1) = "<font ;16>Click the selection and <b>wait to start dragging</b>, and then drop to Microsoft Word, ..."
			.CellSingleLine(h,1) = False
			.CellCaptionFormat(h,1) = 1
			.CellHAlignment(h,1) = 1
			.ItemDivider(h) = 1
			.ItemDividerLineAlignment(h) = 2
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can copy and paste the selection to Microsoft Word, Excel or any OLE compliant application, as a text

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ColumnAutoResize = False
		.ContinueColumnScroll = False
		Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		With rs
			.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExTree\Sample\Access\sample.mdb",3,3
		End With
		.DataSource = rs
		.Columns.Item(2).LevelKey = "1"
		.Columns.Item(3).LevelKey = "1"
		.Columns.Item(4).LevelKey = "1"
		.AutoDrag = 9
		.SingleSel = False
		With .Items
			h = .ItemByIndex(1)
			.SelectItem(h) = True
			h = .ItemByIndex(3)
			.SelectItem(h) = True
			h = .ItemByIndex(4)
			.SelectItem(h) = True
			h = .ItemByIndex(5)
			.SelectItem(h) = True
			.LockedItemCount(2) = 1
			h = .LockedItem(2,0)
			.CellCaption(h,0) = "<font ;16>Click the selection and <b>wait to start dragging</b>, and then drop to Microsoft Word, Excel, ..."
			.CellSingleLine(h,0) = False
			.CellCaptionFormat(h,0) = 1
			.CellHAlignment(h,0) = 1
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			.ItemDividerLineAlignment(h) = 2
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to change the indentation during the drag and drop

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
		.AutoDrag = 3
		.LinesAtRoot = 0
		.HasLines = 1
		.HasButtons = 3
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.SelBackMode = 1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Group 1")
			.ItemBold(h) = True
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 1")
			h2 = .InsertItem(h1,,"Task 2")
			h2 = .InsertItem(h1,,"Task 3")
			h3 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 3")
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			.ExpandItem(h1) = True
			h = .AddItem("Group 2")
			.ItemBold(h) = True
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			.LockedItemCount(2) = 1
			h = .LockedItem(2,0)
			.CellCaption(h,0) = "Click a row, and move by dragging <b>up, down</b> to change the row's parent or <b>left,right</b> to increase or decrease the i" & _
			.CellSingleLine(h,0) = False
			.CellCaptionFormat(h,0) = 1
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to allow moving an item to another, but keeping its indentation

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
		.AutoDrag = 2
		.LinesAtRoot = 0
		.HasLines = 2
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Group 1")
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
			.ItemBold(h) = True
			h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 1")
			h2 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 2")
			h3 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 3")
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("Group 2")
			.ItemBold(h) = True
			.ItemDivider(h) = 0
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I change the row's position to another, by drag and drop. Is it possible

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ShowFocusRect = False
		.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
		.AutoDrag = 1
		.Columns.Add "Task"
		With .Items
			.AddItem "Task 1"
			.AddItem "Task 2"
			.AddItem "Task 3"
			.AddItem "Task 4"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How do I enable the scrollbar-extension, as thumb to be shown outside of the control's client area

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.ScrollBars = 15
		.ScrollPartVisible(0,65536) = True
		.ScrollPartVisible(1,65536) = True
		.ScrollPartVisible(2,65536) = True ' &H2
		.ScrollWidth = 4
		.Background(276) = RGB(240,240,240)
		.Background(260) = RGB(128,128,128)
		.ScrollHeight = 4
		.Background(404) = .Background(276)
		.Background(388) = .Background(260)
		.Background(511) = .Background(276)
	End With
End Function

How can I have a case-insensitive filter (exFilterDoCaseSensitive flag is not set)

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			With .Add("Car")
				.DisplayFilterButton = True
				.FilterType = 240
				.Filter = "MAZDA"
			End With
			With .Add("Equipment")
				.DisplayFilterButton = True
				.DisplayFilterPattern = False
				.CustomFilter = "Air Bag||*Air Bag*|||Air condition||*Air condition*|||ABS||*ABS*|||ESP||*ESP*"
				.FilterType = 3
				.Filter = "AIR BAG"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "Air Bag"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Toyota"),1) = "Air Bag,Air condition"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Ford"),1) = "Air condition"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Nissan"),1) = "Air Bag,ABS,ESP"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "Air Bag, ABS,ESP"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "ABS,ESP"
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I have a case-sensitive filter

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.MarkSearchColumn = False
		With .Columns
			With .Add("Car")
				.DisplayFilterButton = True
				.FilterType = 496 ' FilterTypeEnum.exFilterDoCaseSensitive Or FilterTypeEnum.exFilter
				.Filter = "Mazda"
			End With
			With .Add("Equipment")
				.DisplayFilterButton = True
				.DisplayFilterPattern = False
				.CustomFilter = "Air Bag||*Air Bag*|||Air condition||*Air condition*|||ABS||*ABS*|||ESP||*ESP*"
				.FilterType = 259 ' FilterTypeEnum.exFilterDoCaseSensitive Or FilterTypeEnum.exPattern
				.Filter = "Air Bag"
			End With
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "Air Bag"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Toyota"),1) = "Air Bag,Air condition"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Ford"),1) = "Air condition"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Nissan"),1) = "Air Bag,ABS,ESP"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "Air Bag, ABS,ESP"
			.CellCaption(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "ABS,ESP"
		End With
	End With
End Function

I have several columns, but noticed that the filter is using AND between columns, but I need OR clause for filtering. Is it possible

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		.LinesAtRoot = -1
		With .Columns.Add("Item")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.Filter = "Child 1"
			.FilterType = 240
		End With
		With .Columns.Add("Date")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.DisplayFilterDate = True
			.FilterList = 9474 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
			.Filter = #12/28/2010#
			.FilterType = 4
		End With
		.FilterCriteria = "%0 or %1"
		.Description(23) = "<font ;18><fgcolor=FF0000>or</fgcolor></font>"
		.Description(11) = "<font ;18><fgcolor=FF0000>and</fgcolor></font>"
		With .Items
			h = .AddItem("Root 1")
			.CellCaption(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 1"),1) = #12/27/2010#
			.CellCaption(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 2"),1) = #12/28/2010#
			.ExpandItem(h) = True
			h = .AddItem("Root 2")
			.CellCaption(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 1"),1) = #12/29/2010#
			.CellCaption(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 2"),1) = #12/30/2010#
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible exclude the dates being selected in the drop down filter window

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns.Add("Date")
			.SortType = 2
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.DisplayFilterDate = True
			.FilterList = 9474 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem #12/27/2010#
			.AddItem #12/28/2010#
			.AddItem #12/29/2010#
			.AddItem #12/30/2010#
			.AddItem #12/31/2010#
		End With
	End With
End Function

How can I display a calendar control inside the drop down filter window

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns.Add("Date")
			.SortType = 2
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = False
			.DisplayFilterDate = True
			.FilterList = 1282 ' FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem #12/27/2010#
			.AddItem #12/28/2010#
			.AddItem #12/29/2010#
			.AddItem #12/30/2010#
			.AddItem #12/31/2010#
		End With
	End With
End Function

Is it possible to include the dates as checkb-boxes in the drop down filter window

<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:3C5FC763-72BA-4B97-9985-81862E9251F2" id="Tree1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Tree1
		With .Columns.Add("Dates")
			.SortType = 2
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.DisplayFilterPattern = True
			.DisplayFilterDate = True
			.FilterList = 1280 ' FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
			.Filter = "to 12/27/2010"
			.FilterType = 4
		End With
		With .Items
			.AddItem #12/27/2010#
			.AddItem #12/28/2010#
			.AddItem #12/29/2010#
			.AddItem #12/30/2010#
			.AddItem #12/31/2010#
		End With
	End With
End Function